Publications: |
- J. Aranda, R. Muñoz, S. Dormido Canto, J. M. Díaz and
S. Dormido Becomo. An Analisys of Models
Identification Methods for Hign Speed Crafts
. Journal of Maritime Research, Vol. II.No. 1, pp. 51-67, 2005.
- Joaquín Aranda, Rocío Muñoz Mansilla, José Manuel Díaz,
Sebastián Dormido Canto. Robust Control for the Coupling of Lateral
and Longitudinal Dynamics in High-Speed Crafts. IFAC WORLD CONGRESS,
PRAGA (2005).
- T.M. Rueda, F.J. Velasco, E. Lopez, E. Moyano. Systematic
Approach to the Selection of REduced Models, Application to a Practical
- J.M. Girón Sierra, J. Jiménez, A. Domínguez, J.M. Riola,
J.M. De la Cruz, B. Andrés Toro. "A Cooperation Scenario In The Marine
Environment: First Outlook". IFAC WORLD CONGRESS, PRAGA (2005).
- J.M. Girón Sierra, J. Fernández Prisuelos, J.M. Riola,
B. de Andrés Toro. "Simulation And Genetic Algorithms For Control Planning
Of Underwater Vehicle Trajectories ". IASTED INTL. CONF. APPLIED SIMULATION
- J. Aranda, J.M. de la Cruz, J.M. Díaz. "Design of a multivariable
robust controller to decrease the motion sickness incidence in fast ferries".
Control Engineering Practice. Vol 13/8. (2005).
- J.M. Girón Sierra, J. Fernandez-Prisuelos, B. Andres-Toro,
J.M. de la Cruz. "A Multiobjective Optimization Issue: Genetic Control
- E. Lopez, F.J. Velasco, E. Moyano, T.M. Rueda. Mathematical
Models of Ships for Manoeuvring Simulation and Control. Journal
of Maritime Research. Dec. 2004. 5-20.
- Joaquín Aranda, José Manuel Díaz, Sebastián Dormido Canto,
Rocio Muñoz, Carlos Hernádez Cuesta. An overview about Dynamic Positioning
of Ships. In "Automation
for the Maritime Industries
" edited by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN:
84-609-3315.6. 2004. Pp.: 63-72.
- J.M. Girón-Sierra, J. Fernandez-Prisuelos, B. Andrés-Toro,
J.M. de la Cruz and J.M. Riola. Evolutionary computation in a multiobjetive
problem for autonomous underwater vehicle trajectories. In "
Automation for the Maritime Industries
" edited by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN:
84-609-3315.6. 2004. Pp.: 43-61.
- S. Estebán, J.M. Girón-Sierra, B. de Ándres-Toro and
J.M. de la Cruz. Development of a control-oriented model of the vertical
motions of a fast ferry. Journal of Ship Research. Vol. 48 no. 3, September
2004. pp. 218-230.
- J.M. Girón-Sierra, J. Jimenez, A. Domingues, J.M. Riola,
J.M. de la Cruz, B. de Andres-Toro. Two ships towing together: A cooperation
scenario in a marine enviroment. In "
Automation for the Maritime Industries
" edited by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN:
84-609-3315.6. 2004. Pp.: 73-88.
- Rocio Muñoz Mansilla, Joaquín Aranda Almansa, Sebastián
Dormido Bencomo, José Manuel Díaz, Sebastián Dormido Canto. About
Identification of mathematical models for high speed crafts. In "
Automation for the Maritime Industries
"edited by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN: 84-609-3315.6.
2004. Pp.: 97-116.
- Joaquin Recas,
José M. Girón-Sierra, Segundo Esteban, Bonifacio Andrés-Toro and Jesus
M. de la Cruz, Jose M. Riola.
CANbus Based System for Course and Ride Control in Fast Ship Autonomous
Model . ASME Transaction,
September 2004, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 265-270.
- J. Recas,
S. Esteban, J.M. Girón-Sierra, J.M. de la Cruz, J.M. Riola
. A research
on Predicting and Avoiding Seasickness. In " "edited
by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN: 84-609-3315.6. 2004.
Pp.: 117-128.
- F.J. Velasco, E. López, T.M. Rueda, E. Moyano. Ship Steering
Control. In "Automation
for the Maritime Industries
"edited by J. Aranda, M.A. Armada, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN:
84-609-3315.6. 2004. Pp.: 145-176.
- López, E., Moyano, E., Rueda, T.
M., Velasco, F. J. (2004) “Container Ship Optimal Control System using
Genetic Algorithms”. 4th International Congress on Maritime Technological
Innovations and Research. SP UPC, pp. 297-306. Barcelona.
- Moyano, E., López, E., Rueda, T. M., Velasco, F. J. (2004)
“Parametric Identification of a Non-linear Model of a Mariner Class Vessel”.
4th International Congress on Maritime Technological Innovations and Research.
SP UPC, pp. 287-296. Barcelona
Others publications: