barcos cooperantes VAMCoop 
VAMCoop: Automation of Marine Vehicles for Cooperative actions

Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología), reference number: DPI2003-09745-C04-00

Key words: marine vehicles, cooperation of control systems, marine systems, dynamic positioning

Summary: The goal of the project is to acquire and develop techniques and knowledge for the development of marine vehicles able for cooperative tasks. Specifically, the research focus on two aspects: (a) the development of control systems and algoritms for manoeuvring and dynamic positioning of several types of ships, in adverse conditions, and (b) the design and implementation of strategies for the autonomous and cooperating behaviour of the vehicles.

Applications: Open seas tasks requiring dynamic positioning (transferring, oil explotation), and cooperative actions such towing, salvagement and rescue.

Systems: Research scale models will be designed and bulit. The scaled vehicles will be used as a bechmarck for the control, behaviour and cooperation systems developed.

Coordination: Joaquín Aranda ( )


DPI2003-09745-C04-01. Automatization of Marine Vehicles for Cooperative actions.
Scientific direction: Joaquín Aranda ( )
DPI2003-09745-C04-02. Automatization of Marine Vehicles for Cooperative actions.
Scientific direction: José María Girón ( )
DPI2003-09745-C04-03. Automatization of Marine Vehicles for Cooperative actions (enviroment for cooperation of marine vehicles).
Scientific direction: Francisco J. Velasco ( )
DPI2003-09745-C04-04. Design of marine vehicles for cooperative actions.
Scientific direction: Luis Pérez ( )

For any suggestions or technical problems of acces, contact
© CTB , Dpto. of Computer Science and Automatic Control, UNED, december 2003
Last update: july 25, 2006