Automation for the Maritime Industries

Edited by

J Aranda
Departamento de Informática y Automática
UNED. Madrid
M A Armada
Instituto de Automática Industrial
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
J M de la Cruz
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISBN: 84-609-3315-6, 1st edition, November 2004.

AUTOMAR Thematic Network (MEC, DPI2002-10620-E) was aiming to foster Spanish research and innovation activity in the maritime industrial sector in order to strengthen their role in Europe. During this time many activities have been carried out, and all the partners have actively contributed. This book collects in its 14 Chapters excellent, state of the art, contributions that show clearly the high level of scientific knowledge in this field reached by Spanish RTD, both at the Universities and at the Research Institutions.
It can be expected that the book content will serve to promote the knowledge and applications of the complex control and mechatronic systems at present under development in Spain, and it will also serve as a sound background for those young scientists entering in this exciting fiel of automation of the maritime industries.


Joaquín Aranda, Manuel A. Armada, Jesús M. de la Cruz

Chapter 1
Advances on Mechanical and Thermal Load Monitoring Applied to Marine Diesel Engines
Ramón Ferreiro García, Manuel Haro Casado

Chapter 2
Ship pedestrian flow simulation. The Sifbup-S application.
A. López Piñeiro, F. Pérez Arribas, R. Donoso Morillo-V., R. Torres Fernández

Chapter 3
Evolutionary computation in a multiobjective problem for autonomous underwater vehicle
J. M. Giron-Sierra, J. Fernandez-Prisuelos, B. Andres-Toro, J.M. De la Cruz
and J.M. Riola

Chapter 4
An Overview about Dynamic Positioning of Ships
Joaquín Aranda, José Manuel Díaz, Sebastián Dormido Canto, Rocío Muñoz, Carlos Hernández

Chapter 5
Two Ships Towing Together; A Cooperation Scenario in a Marine Environment
J.M. Giron-Sierra, J. Jiménez, A. Dominguez, J.M. Riola, J.M. de la Cruz, B. de Andres-Toro

Chapter 6
A Seakeeping Laboratory for Experimental Control Tests
José María Riola Rodríguez

Chapter 7
About Identification of Mathematical Models for High Speed Crafts
Rocio Muñoz Mansilla, Joaquín Aranda Almansa, Sebastián Dormido Bencomo, José Manuel
Díaz, Sebastián Dormido Canto

Chapter 8
A Research on Predicting and Avoiding Seasickness
S. Esteban, J. Recas, J.M. Giron-Sierra, J.M. de la Cruz, J.M. Riola,

Chapter 9
A Legged Robot for Ship Building Applications
P. Gonzalez de Santos, E. Garcia, M. A. Armada

Chapter 10
Ship Steering Control
F. J. Velasco, E. López, T. M. Rueda, E. Moyano

Chapter 11
URIS: Underwater Robotic Intelligent System
J. Batlle, P. Ridao, R. Garcia, M. Carreras, X. Cufí, A. El-Fakdi, D. Ribas, T. Nicosevici, E.
Batlle, G. Oliver, A. Ortiz, J. Antich

Chapter 12
Research in Underwater Robotics in the Automatic Control Department at the Technical
University of Catalonia
Josep Amat, Alícia Casals, Alexandre Monferrer, Luis M. Muñoz, Manel Frigola, Josep
Fernandez, Oriol Escoté, Xavier Giralt

Chapter 13
Underwater robot of variable geometry based on the Stewart-Gough parallel platform:
Conception and hydrodynamic modeling
Roque J. Saltarén, Rafael Aracil, Víctor M. García

Chapter 14
Climbing Robots for the Maritime Industries
M Armada, M Prieto, T Akinfiev, R Fernández, P González De Santos, E García, H Montes, S
Nabulsi, R Ponticelli, J Sarriá, C. Salinas, J Estremera, S Ros, J Grieco, G Fernandez

Webmaster J. Aranda