Active Projects
Completed Projects
Autonomous System for Locating and Acting in the face of Sea Pollutants
The global objective of this project is the development of a quick action system, which consists of several unmanned
surface vehicles (USVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The USVs will be capable of deploying a protection barrier or of pulling a retaining net using the best configuration to collect the spilt efficiently in real. The UAVs, which will be transported by the USVs to the spilt region, will be in charge of locating and identifying the shape of the pollution to
inform the USVs. Both types of vehicles will work autonomous and cooperatively, under realistic conditions of the sea
state. (web
Autonomous System for containment of sea spills
System for surveillance, search and rescue in the sea by means of collaboration of autonomous marine and air vehicles
In this project, we present the coordination of unmanned surface vessel (USVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to get a fast response in case of contingencies in the sea. Two types of scenario are considered: substance diffusion control on the sea (pollutants spill) and shipwrecked rescue. Both objectives are dynamical and need a fast response. The considered scenario supposes search and tracking with the following vehicles: a) surface vessels, b) unmanned aerial vehicles, c) a mother ship that supports to the other vehicles. (web
Robotics and Automation for maritime industries
Tematic Network about the cooperation in automatic and robotics researchs for maritime industries. (web
Coordinated control system for marine vehicles
In this project, a new experimental system is developed for trail of autonomous surface vessel (ASVs). A coordinated control and path planning is implemented and a fleet of ASVs is building. (web
Control of complex systems for logistic and production of goods and services
Research program in integration of control, computation and communications. Aplication of priciples and techniques that the control supply in the top level of companies decision states in relation to logistic and production of goods and services. (web
Planning, simulation and control platform for cooperation of multiple autonomous marine and aerial vehicles
The aim of this project is developed a platform that allow to enhance the ability to analyze, develop, and test uninhabited vehicles (UVs), mainly aerial (UAVs) and marine vehicles (UMVs) hierarchical control algorithms, coordination, cooperation and embedded software. (web
Cooperation and research in automatic and robotics for maritime industries
Tematic Network about the cooperation in automatic and robotic researchs for maritime industries. (web
Automation of marine vehicles for cooperative actions
The goal of the project is to acquire and develop techniques and knowledge for the development of marine vehicles able for cooperative tasks. Specifically, the research focus on two aspects: (a) the development of control systems and algoritms for manoeuvring and dynamic positioning of several types of ships, in adverse conditions, and (b) the design and implementation of strategies for the autonomous and cooperating behaviour of the vehicles. (web
Automation in marine systems
AUTOMAR Thematic Network was aiming to foster Spanish research and innovation activity in the maritime industrial sector in order to strengthen their role in Europe
. (web
Six degrees of freedom control of fast ferries for increase of safety and confort
Modelling study for the six D.O.F. of the ship motions, and for several angles of the waves. On the basis of the models obtained, simulation enviroments will be created for the study of the motions and courses of the ship. Some quality criteria will be defined and a set of controllers will be designed, according to several alternative control methodologies. The results of such alternatives will be compared, using the simulation enviroments, and the best (as dictated by the defined criteria) will be selected for its implementations and experimental tests
. (web
Robust and intelligent control of high speed carfts
The aim of this project is to investigate the possibilities and advantages of robust and intelligent control techniques in the control system design for high speed ships. These methods present the advantage that they have been specifically developed for assuring minimal levels of stability and capabilities for system disturbances and uncertainties in the model
. (web
Robotics and Automation in the Maritime Industries
Edited by: J. Aranda, P. Gonzalez de Santos, J.M. de la Cruz. ISBN-13: 978-84-611-3915-6. ISBN-10: 84-611-3915-1. (download)
Automation for the Maritime Industries
Edited by J. Aranda, MA Armada, JM de la Cruz. CSIC. 2004. ISBN: 84-609-3315-6. (download)
AUTOMAR Thematic Network (MEC, DPI2002-10620-E) was aiming to foster Spanish research and innovation activity in the maritime industrial sector in order to strengthen their role in Europe. During this time many activities have been carried out, and all the partners have actively contributed. This book collects in its 14 Chapters excellent, state of the art, contributions that show clearly the high level of scientific knowledge in this field reached by Spanish RTD, both at the Universities and at the Research Institutions.
It can be expected that the book content will serve to promote the knowledge and applications of the complex control and mechatronic systems at present under development in Spain, and it will also serve as a sound background for those young scientists entering in this exciting fiel of automation of the maritime industries.
SISO-QFTIT : Single Input - Single Output - Quantitative Feedback Theory Interactive Tool.
SISO-QFTIT is a software tool for robust control design using the QFT methodology. This tool has been developed in SYSQUAKE by Jose Manuel Diaz , Sebastian Dormido and Joaquin Aranda of the Department of Computer Science and Automatica (UNED, Spain). (web
TIG : Template Interactive Generator.
Template Interactive Generator (TIG) is a software tool which supplies assistance to the QFT designer for calculating template boundaries of interval plants, and plants with affine parametric uncertainty in its coefficients. (web
DEVS/SOA : Distributed Simulation DEVS Platform.
This web oriented framework is to connect heterogeneous DEVS simulation elements in a transparent, open, and
scalable way. (web
SHAGAC: Hypermedia Adaptative System for Automatic Course Generation.
The developed system, like adaptative hypermedia systems, uses a semantic network that arranges the information on a certain area. From this, it is able to generate coursewares ready to be used by the user or student. (web